Abdul Zakir Tareen

Adjunct /Visiting Faculty Member






·        Mr. Abdul Zakir Tareen is an Advocate of Supreme Court of Pakistan. He is practicing Law since 2001.
·        He has topped LLM from Peshawar University.
·        He remains as Civil Judge for a period of two years (June 2002 till June 2004).
·        During his practicing carrier, he conducted a large number of Civil, Criminal, Revenue, Family, Rent, NAB and Constitutional Cases.
·        His 27 cases of different natures are reported in the Law books.
·        He is visiting professor to Frontier Law College Peshawar since 2004 till date.
·        He compiled two books of Law ;

  1. Pedagogical Code
  2. Judicium

A number of his legal articles on the topics of Law, including;

  1. Ignored provision of civil procedural Law (PLD 2012 journal 125/PLJ 2012 Magazine 271)
  2. Partition suits and it's Methodology (PLJ 2014 Magazine 238)

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